Earth is going to leave you? So spread the wings and fly! Inflamed consciousness creates nightmares? So warm cold hands in fire flame.The meaning of life is exhausted and there are no roads? So go on the road, where the air is so delicate. And no matter how hard it it is - smile to life, because life is - absurd. Because nothing is impossible and all ways are opened, because water flows down from heaven, and pure hands have power to create miracles. Because when confidence appears in your smile winds become obedient to the hand movement and mountains step back from you. We have power to change and decide everything. To turn back the lost past or to find something new in tomorrow, to find happiness or to realize wisdom,reshape the earth or to embrace the sky.Because you already have all these things inside and you dont need much, just to cross the edge of the cozy little reality, which you have used to and in which you like to live so much. There lives pain, despair, separation and death. But the thing is that you yourself have created them in your own mind. And if you will make a small step from all of it you will never be able to stop. (c). Al Kvotion
music: fever ray - keep the streets empty for me